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GOLD, SILVER, PRECIOUS STONES: A study of the Judgement Seat of Christ

Judgement day. Do you think about it much? We all have a judgement day coming. There are actually two judgement seats spoken of in the Bible. One is the Judgement Seat of Christ where believers will stand before the Lord Jesus and give an account of what we did with our lives. The second is the Great White Throne Judgement for those who rejected the finished work of Christ to pay for their sins. I’m so very grateful that I get to stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ, knowing that He paid the price for the penalty of my sins and I don’t have to. Because of His finished work on the cross, my sins have been forgiven and removed as far as the East is from the West. However, I still find it very sobering to know I will have to stand before my Lord and Savior and give an account of what I did with my life — how I built on the foundation that was laid down in my life when I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

I will using the New King James Version and the Blue Letter Bible and Strong's Concordance for this study.

I Corinthians 3 is one of the passages that informs us of the Judgement Seat of Christ. In this letter to the Corinthians, Paul was addressing the believers at the church in Corinth. We know they were believers because Paul calls them brethren, sanctified, and says they were called to be saints. He says they were given the grace of God by Christ Jesus, and that they were enriched and gifted in everything by Him, and that the testimony of Christ was confirmed in them. They were definitely believers. But they didn’t look or act like believers, like people who had been set apart. They weren’t recognizable as followers of Christ. These believers were carnal Christians. They were carnal and fleshly, acting like the world instead of the Savior that they believed in. There was no discernable difference between these carnal Corinthian Christians and the world. Sounds a little like some Christians we know today, right?

These Corinthian believers were divided among themselves, taking pride in saying who they followed, such as, “I am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos,” or “I am of Cephas,” or even “I am of Christ.” Can’t you just hear the pride? These believers had a whole lot of sin in the camp. Much of it was what we consider the really bad sin, like sexual immorality, which is always the obvious kind of sin. But even deeper are the more acceptable, but harder to recognize sins like pride and self righteousness. The Corinthians were very prideful. They were destroying their Christian testimony because of immorality, disunity and pride, and because they looked just like the world. They had completely lost their reputation...

This content is available in full in Jewels from the Journey: Discovering the Riches of our Identity in Christ. By purchasing a copy, you'll be supporting the work Thinking Girls Bible Study is doing to encourage women to dig deeper and mine the treasures of the Word of God.


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